Dr. Don Patterson Return to All Inductees
Dr. Patterson was born in London, Ontario in 1930 and grew up there, attending public school at Wortley Road and high school at South Collegiate. He entered medical school at the University of Western Ontario and graduated in 1954. He spent five years in Michigan in General Surgery residency, obtained his fellowship at the Royal College of Surgeons in Canada and then opened practice in general surgery in Chatham in 1960.
He became a member of the Southwestern Ontario Surgical Association and later became President of the Kent County Medical Society and was Chief of Surgery at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Chatham for over 25 years. He also operated at Public General Hospital in Chatham and was a consultant in surgery at Sydenham Hospital in Wallaceburg. In later years, he was awarded the distinguished Dr. Glen Sawyer award from the Ontario Medical Association for service to his profession and the community.
Dr. Patterson became the team physician for the Junior Maroons in the early 1960s and remained in that capacity for over 20 years. He attended most of the home games during that span, often with some or all of his five children - Mary Jane, Scott, David, Mike and Tim.
He retired from operating five years ago, but still has a consulting clinic at CKHA one day a week. Dr. Patterson and his wife Denny have always been, and still are, avid golfers in their retirement.