Henry Bruhlman                                                                                Return to All Inductees

Henry (Hank) was born in 1933 in Chatham to Henry and Emma Bruhlman.  After graduating from Queen Mary he attended Chatham Collegiate Institute where played basketball and football before graduating in1952 as the class valedictorian.  From there Hank continued his education at the National Institute of Dry Cleaning in Silver Springs, Maryland, graduating in 1953.

In 1955, he returned to Chatham, married Helen Van Doorn and had three sons Henry, Jay and Kevin.  He would later become President and co-owner of Maple City Laundry and Dry Cleaners as well as President and owner of Chatham Computer and President and shareholder of Beaver Communications.  Always an active member in community organizations he served as President of the Kinsmen Club and Rotary Club, The Chatham Kent Amateur Radio Club, Chatham Pioneer Flying Club and the Ontario Soaring Club.  Because of his efforts he was awarded life memberships in both the Kinsmen and the Kent Amateur Radio Club.  As well he was Kinsmen of the Year, received the Paul Harris Fellowship Award from the Rotary Club, CD and Clasp for Service, Amateur of the Year from the Chatham Kent Radio Club and in 1987 was the first recipient of the Key to the City of Chatham for his dedication and endless contributions to the community.

Once retired from the Canadian Armed Reserves as a Lt. Colonel he served as the commanding officer for the 294 Kinsmen Air Cadet Squadron for 14 years and then became the Area Cadet Instructors List Officer for Western Ontario.  After becoming a pilot in 1950 and glider pilot in 1964 he would become the chief gliding instructor for the Air Cadets and served as the Chairman to the Soaring Association of Canada and Ontario Provincial Committee of Air Cadet League of Canada.  This led him to become the Officer in Charge of gliding instructor’s school in CFB Borden.  He also assisted in establishing gliding programs in Quebec and Nova Scotia.

Henry and brother Roy took over the Chatham Maroons Hockey Club and guided it for 10 years.  Henry remained on the team executive for many years and also announced the games during those years.

Henry passed away on March 21, 1993

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